Category: General News
General news and messages.
Posted in General News
PopStar Pilot (CoCo 3)
One of Nick Marentes’ latest games for the 512k CoCo 3. GET IT HERE This is actually a very cool game that initially seems too simple but then starts getting…
March 26, 2018
Posted in General News
Evolution of the CoCo Virtual Drive System
MicroSD Drive Pak Earliest all-in-one self-contained virtual drive system Uses a 16K smart ROM that detects and employs numerous simultaneous drive systems CoCoNet over 6551 ACIA 115200 bps alternative…
May 2, 2016
Posted in General News
Donkey Kong Remixed
Sock Master has done it again. Some years back he announced that he had ported the original Donkey Kong code to run on the CoCo 3. This meant that the…
January 30, 2016
Posted in General News
Mystery 256 Color Mode?
There have been rumours of a secret 256 color mode hidden within the GIME chip architecture of the Tandy Color Computer 3. This page reveals all the information that I…
January 29, 2016