Category: Matchbox CoCo
An all-hardware accurate CoCo 3 clone hosted on the DE0-Nano FPGA board.
RealCoCo Quick Reference
TRS-80/Tandy Color Computer 3 FPGA Clones by Roger Taylor Custom GIME implementation designed from the ground up The most accurate CoCo clones available Virtal floppy disks and hard drives via…
How to Build a Matchbox CoCo
The Matchbox CoCo is a Do It Yourself CoCo 3 clone that may or may not be offered by third parties fully assembled or by snap-together components. This is not…
Tandy Joysticks for the DE0-Nano
The NanoLog daughter board is a daughter board for the bottom of the DE0-Nano to allow the use of regular or Deluxe CoCo joysticks on the MATCHBOX COCO. There are…
NanoMate Board for the DE0-Nano
For the Matchbox CoCo, the CoCo’s logic completely resides on the DE0-Nano board. Realistically jumpers can be strung from the DE0-Nano headers to give the system the things it needs…