Category: CoCo Tutorials
Assorted technical specifications, reference papers, data sheets, programmer’s guides, cheat sheets, etc.
CoCo 3 GIME Chip Reference
CoCo 3 GIME Chip Reference Edited from John Kowalski’s original web page “Sock Master’s GIME register reference” People keep looking for GIME information, but it seems that there is no…
How to get VGA for the CoCo 3
An illustrated review of Luis Antoniosi’s RGB2VGA converter This is a personal review of the RGB2VGA video converter designed by Luis Antoniosi. First, let me say that it is high…
Projector-3’s Framework
As the developer of the Projector-3 graphics viewer one thing I had to consider was the constant requests for features from the CoCo audience. I also wanted to make it…
The NitrOS-9 Boot Process Explained
Disclaimer: NitrOS-9 is one of the most unorganized yet rewarding operating systems for the CoCo. There are literally 200 versions or revisions of every kernel, module, driver, command, source file,…