Rainbow IDE


    Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $19.00.



    Copyright © 2003-2018 by Roger Taylor Software – All Rights Reserved

    Please note that this IDE is 2nd in a chain of IDEs I’ve written (1st was Portal-9, 2nd was Rainbow, and 3rd was Phoenix). The Rainbow IDE was the most used by CoCo and other 6809 developers mainly because of how long it’s been available compared to the newer Phoenix IDE. However, the Rainbow IDE is far less powerful than Phoenix and may not run correct on newer versions of the Windows operating system.To see the difference, please download each IDE and experiment with the sample projects.

    Attention CoCo Programmers! The Rainbow IDE provides a streamlined way to write CoCo software from your Windows PC with support for many other vintage target systems.

    Rainbow is a Multi-Target Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, ME, 98, and 95, and LINUX via the Wine system.

    Target CPUs: 8048, 8041A, 8022, 8021, 6502, R65C02, R65C00/21, 6805, M146805, HC05C4, Z80, HD64180, 6800, 6801, 6803, 68HC11, 8051, 8080, TMS32010, TMS320C25, TMS320C26 , TMS7000, 6809, 6309, and more, utilizing the TASM cross assembler, the AS-series cross assemblers, CCASM, OS-9 ASM, and more. Also, add your own cross assembler or compilers.

    • CCASM 5.82 (4/26/15) – added -6809 and -6309 switches

    M.E.S.S. Emulator


    “What You See Is What You Get”

    • WYSIWYG ability means your source code can build directly into an emulated image (requires a supported emulator)…
    • Built-in support for the M.E.S.S. emulator system!
    • Coming eventually, VCC Color Computer 3 emulator support.
    • See your projects run immediately (requires the appropriate ROM sets for the desired emulated system).
    • Instantly launches and runs your software or you can just boot into the emulated systems.
    Summary of Features
    • Very user-friendly, easy to learn
    • Drop-in cross-assembler support with these included: CCASM, CASM, TASM, OS-9 Level II 6809/6309 RMA/RLink, OS-9 ASM 6809/6309 Assembler, TASM multi-CPU cross assembler (6502, 6800, 8048, Z80, and many more).
    • Build software for the CoCo, Dragon, Vectrex, Atari, Commodore, Apple, and hundreds more systems
    • Build virtual floppy disks and ROM images
    • Create or load assembly source code, BASIC programs, text files, binary files and more
    • Multiple document interface (MDI) with multi-row tab option
    • Full search and replace, cut/copy/paste, undo/redo capabilities for text *and* hex editors!
    • Split-window option while editing
    • Nice HEX editor for binary files
    • Optional line numbers, tab widths, and more editor settings.
    • Insert code snippets and assets into your project (keyboard scanner, video modes, CoCo system definitions, and more)
    • One-step build process, with large Build button
    • Built software can be run on an emulator that your software is designed for
    • Set various M.E.S.S. configurations from within the IDE, like video effects, custom options, full-screen/window, throttle, and more
    • Checkbox-enabled assembler options for generating assembler listings, symbol dumps, quiet mode, debug mode, and error reporting
    • User-selectable fonts for the assembler, text, binary, and readout windows

    Vintage assembly programming is easier than ever using Rainbow, an easy-to-use IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Windows XP, 98, ME, 2000, and 95. This system assumes most of the work and lets you control most features using simple options from the side panels.

    Your projects may consist of many separate source components that are automatically compiled using any of the available assemblers – in a smooth and streamlined build process.

    You have full control over how your source code is assembled and what target image it ends up on, whether it’s 1k-256k ROMs or umlimited number of floppy disk images per project. You can also build directly to PC files and manually export your software.

    One of the key features of Rainbow is the ability to run and test your software immediately after building using the automatic M.E.S.S. emulator launcher. This part of the system works seamlessly with the M.E.S.S. emulator to automatically mount your project image and even run it right away if it’s a ROM/cartridge image. Also, any created floppy disk images will be mounted automatically in the emulator and ready to use as if you had inserted them into a real floppy disk drive.

    Once a project is set up and saved, you only need to reload it later, edit your source code, and rebuild with one click. It’s a very smooth operation.

    With the Rainbow Integrated Development Environment you can design software for all kinds of 8-bit vintage computers and game consoles from Windows XP, 98, ME, 2000, or 95.The user-friendly interface takes you from the editor to running in seconds by calling on your favorite M.E.S.S. emulator system in a pop-up window. You can Edit assembly source code, raw binary files, and text files or ASCII BASIC programs, and have many files open at once for each project.

    Send the output over to virtual floppy disks ready to emulate or write to real floppies later, or to ROM images that are automatically mounted and run if you like.